Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday, August 21, 2011

LOVE: 2day is gonna be the day that i'm gonna give it back 2 u ..................and every day after..............


Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Immorality Of Common Factory Farming (with a less immoral solution)

as a vegan i find it impossible to find any morality in the consumption of animals and/or animal products, but if you choose to do so at least be informed of the suffering the majority of these creatures are experiencing before they make it to your table - and seek out companies that promote less cruel environments for them to be raised in...

we should all be conscious of our actions - after all, according to popular moral and social teachings of our times, isn't our so-called 'superior' level of consciousness what makes us human?

if you refuse to and/or are unable to educate yourself on this subject, perhaps you should ask yourself what exactly it is you are afraid of finding out...and why...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why Raw Is Not A Diet, Its A Lifestyle...

i have been vegan for the past 15 years due to spiritual/moral reasons, but i've been on a mostly raw vegan diet for the past 4 months for the health benefits - and i feel absolutely amazing. i found these videos today that i though might entertain and educate you on the subject - as well as give you a new insight on building personal happiness and spreading love. the second one is so deeply powerful and enlightening that i had to watch it twice...

(and check out the drastic weight loss difference in the two videos, shot only a few months apart...)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover (1997-2009)

words hurt.

in fact, they can kill.

listen to a mom speak out about how homophobic bullying caused her 11 year old son to commit suicide this past april...

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Brand New Day

today is a brand new day. what else can i say? all i see is sunshine and endless possibilities - and tonight i shall party to celebrate my beautiful new beginnings. it is days like these that make me realize just how perfect everything always is if we are able to look at life without the tainted stress of obligations and rushed moments. this is how it was meant to be when we first descended from trees to explore the vast savannah...and today, living in a concrete jungle, i understand the feelings of our curious ancestors as they roamed and explored and smiled and danced in the sunshine. how lovely it is.
how absolutely fucking lovely!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson's Memorial Service / New Beginnings

today was full of mixed emotions. i woke up feeling free because yesterday i was laid off from the company i have worked at for 3 years - the last 12 months as a manager - and i will definitely enjoy the next few stress-free weeks as i relax and decide on my future focus...but that feeling of freedom only lasted a few moments before i realized it was time to tune in to Michael Jackson's memorial service live via satellite transmission directly to my laptop.

thank God for modern technology.

tears welled-up in my eyes as i watched the hearse leave the funeral home on its way to the memorial site. i smiled with tears streaming down my face as Brooke Shields recounted her tales of innocent friendship with Michael. i realized the bittersweet feeling that was being experienced by Lionel Ritchie and Stevie Wonder as they performed at their dear friend's funeral. i understood the pain Usher must be feeling as he walked up to the casket and touched it briefly while singing an ode to his hero; and i watched as Jermaine Jackson (Michael's brother) somehow made it through a beautiful version of 'Smile' (Michael's favorite song, written by his favorite actor, Charlie Chaplin) without breaking down...i thought i too had made it through unscathed by too much sadness - i was smiling and swaying back and forth on my bed and singing along as i watched Paris, Prince, and Blanket (Michael's children) on stage with their aunts Janet, Latoya, and Rebbie (Michael's sisters) joining other friends and family members singing 'We Are The World' and 'Heal The World' as the beautiful celebratory service came to an end. What a stoic family, i thought. how beautiful that they can be so mature and so detached from the death of their father and brother...i was thinking: "i guess in the end Michael Jackson's family really isn't so normal. i guess that's how you have to be when you're Michael Jackson's children and siblings - after all, you're raised in the spotlight. you know that cameras are always lurking, waiting for you to lose control...and i guess I'M not quite as emotional as i thought i would be today, either..."

but i was wrong on both counts. because just when i thought everybody involved had made it through strong and still holding tight to the happy memories of Michael's life, his brother Marlon and daughter Paris spoke - and what they said made me see just how real Michael was to them. just how normal and human his relationship with his family really was...and as Paris pleaded her love for her father and then buried her head in Janet's chest, sobbing, i lifted a pillow to my face and sobbed right along with her. she was crying for her father, i was crying for my childhood hero...and his children, his siblings, his parents and his friends...

we will all miss you Michael, for so many different reasons and in so many different ways.

may God bless your children and all the children of the world, and may your spirit be reborn quickly so your pure beauty can once again begin to shine upon the planet.

and may we all realize the beauty and fragility of life; the unpredictability and shortness of our time on this planet. and may we all take that realization and focus our attention on making the most of each moment, and always work toward beautiful new beginnings as each moment passes in to memory...

" a sunset dying with the rising of the moon, gone too soon..."